
EU regulation for
deforestation (EUDR)

Tracer app helps smallholder farmers

Read more on Cocoa Post

"Every forest fire means a setback for climate protection"

Felix talks to the Süddeutsche Zeitung about our new FireAlert app.


Felix Finkbeiner: We need to reduce our global CO2-emissions as rapidly as possible. But that alone is not enough: Trees are wonderful climate change reversal machines."

CNN, Going Green

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The world had 3 trillion trees.
But do you know where they are?

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    295+ Projects united to bring back a Trillion Trees.
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    `Why the world needs
    a trillion more trees?

    Plant-for-the-Planet Brazil

    Together with our sister organisations around the world, Plant-for-the-Planet Brazil has been working towards empowering young people to fight the climate crisis and restoring forests for many years

    Climate Justice Ambassadors:
    We Make Ourselves Heard

    Over 100,000 children and youth have already been trained at 1,866 academies in 76 countries, where we teach each other about the climate crisis. As Climate Justice Ambassadors we fight for our future by planting trees, giving speeches, protesting, and much more.
    Upcoming Academies
    All Academies
    Children at Plant-for-the-Planet Academy

    Why the world needs
    a trillion more trees!

    The world currently has three trillion trees and has space for a trillion more. Trees are one of the most powerful tools that buy us time in the fight against the climate crisis. Only by restoring these forests, we will be able to keep temperature rise below 1.5°C.
    Learn more about our vision
    World map with 3 trillion trees
    The world's current 3 trillion trees in green. The potential for a further 1 trillion trees in yellow.

    Mexican Reforestation Projects

    On the Yucatán Peninsula and the state of Mexico, we are restoring forests to fight the climate crisis. Forest restoration generates jobs, protects biodiversity, and absorbs the greenhouse gas CO2.
    Explore reforestation projects

    TreeMapper, fire alert and the the platform opened on multiple devices in front of a world map

    The Plant-for-the-Planet Platform

    A free software toolset to fund, manage and monitor forest restoration. Used by over 300 projects around the world. Get started within minutes.
    Tools for restoration organizations

    The Change Chocolate

    The chocolate that plants trees. Fairtrade. Over 9 million trees planted!
    Learn more about the change chocolate

    Login & Redeem Trees
    The Change Chocolate
    Donation empowers children
    Empower children and support us!

    Partner with us!

    We want to work with you on your climate journey and mobilize your community for forest restoration.

    Man with saplings
    "At age 9, Felix Finkbeiner planted his first tree. He had just learned about Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize for leading an effort to plant 30 million trees in Africa. The boy was struck by her message — that trees are powerful allies in the fight to curb global warming."
    "The race for a trillion trees can continue to motivate donors, but Finkbeiner says that his organization is no longer focused on counting trees. Ultimately, he believes, the movement’s success or failure in restoring the world’s forests will be judged not by the number of trees planted, but via satellite imagery, viewed over the long term, and discussed the old-fashioned way — in hectares."
    "Children are not often invited to speak to the United Nations General Assembly. But there stood Felix Finkbeiner, German wunderkind in his Harry Potter spectacles, gray hoodie, and mop-top haircut—with a somber question about climate change."
    "We are all impressed by Greta Thunberg, but what about Felix Finkbeiner? He’s a young German environmentalist who, at the age of 9, proposed that every country commit to planting 1 million trees and then, at 13, upped the ante and suggested at the United Nations that we target 1 trillion by 2050."
      The Washington Post Logo
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      Our Story

      9-year-old Felix calls on children to plant one million trees in every country.

      January 2007

      9-year-old Felix calls on children to plant one million trees in every country.

      One millionth tree planted by Plant for the Planet

      May 2010

      One millionth tree planted

      Felix makes the first ever call for a trillion more trees at the UN General Assembly

      February 2011

      Felix speaks at the United Nations. For the first time, he calls for restoring one trillion trees.
      Watch the speech
      UN hands over the Billion Tree Campaign to Plat for the Planets. We rename it to Trillion Tree Campaign to Plant for the Planet

      December 2011

      UN hands over the Billion Tree Campaign to us. We turned it into the Trillion Tree Campaign.

      Yucatán Reforestation launched. Plant for the Planet plant two million trees in a year.

      May 2015

      Yucatán Restoration launched. We now plant two million trees a year and protect an essential ecosystem reserve.
      3 Trillion Trees currently exist globally, shows Nature paper by Dr Tom Crowther

      September 2015

      3 Trillion Trees currently exist globally, shows Nature paper by Dr Tom Crowther

      Launch of the Trillion Tree Campaign with Prince Albert II of Monaco

      March 2018

      Launch of the Trillion Tree Campaign with Prince Albert II of Monaco

      One Trillion Trees could be restored, shows Science paper by the Crowther Lab

      June 2019

      One Trillion Trees could be restored, shows Science paper by the Crowther Lab.
      Launch of iPhone & Android app allows everyone to donate trees to projects around the world 

      September 2019

      Launch of our free platform that allows anyone to donate trees to projects around the world.

      January 2020

      World Economic Forum and world leaders join call for Trillion trees in Davos
      World Economic Forum Davos

      Plant for the Planet Webapp launch brings added transparency to reforestation projects 

      December 2020

      The launch of our web app, which can be accessed via the browser on desktops and mobile phones, creates additional transparency for restoration projects.
      Explore our platform

      Felix Finkbeiner - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      January 2007

      9-year-old Felix calls on children to plant one million trees in every country.

      May 2010

      One millionth tree planted
      Plant Trees
      Give Speeches PftP

      February 2011

      We make the first-ever call for a trillion more trees at the UN General Assembly

      December 2011

      UN hands over the Billion Tree Campaign to us. We rename it to Trillion Tree Campaign.
      Trillion Trees Certificate
      Mexico PftP

      May 2015

      Yucatán Reforestation launched. In which we have planted 6.3 million trees so far

      September 2015

      3 Trillion Trees currently exist globally, shows Nature paper
      Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      March 2018

      Launch of the Trillion Tree Campaign with Prince Albert II of Monaco

      June 2019

      One Trillion Trees could be restored, shows Science paper
      Felix Finkbeiner - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet
      Mobile App - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      September 2019

      Launch of iPhone & Android app allows everyone to donate trees to projects around the world.
      Get it onGoogle Play
      Download on theApp Store

      January 2020

      World Economic Forum and world leaders join call for Trillion trees in Davos 
      Read More
      Felix Finkbeiner - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet
      Web App - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      December 2020

      Webapp launch brings added transparency to reforestation projects.
      Felix Finkbeiner - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      January 2007

      9-year-old Felix calls on children to plant one million trees in every country.

      Plant Trees

      May 2010

      One millionth tree planted
      Give Speeches PftP

      February 2011

      We make the first-ever call for a trillion more trees at the UN General Assembly
      Watch the video
      Trillion Trees Certificate

      December 2011

      UN hands over the Billion Tree Campaign to us. We rename it to Trillion Tree Campaign.
      Mexico PftP

      May 2015

      Yucatán Reforestation launched. We now plant two million trees a year.

      Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      September 2015

      3 Trillion Trees currently exist globally, shows Nature paper

      March 2018

      Launch of the Trillion Tree Campaign with Prince Albert II of Monaco

      Felix Finkbeiner - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      June 2019

      One Trillion Trees could be restored, shows Science paper
      Mobile App - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      September 2019

      Launch of our free platform that allows anyone to donate trees to projects around the world.
      Felix Finkbeiner - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      January 2020

      World Economic Forum and world leaders join call for Trillion trees in Davos 
      Web App - Trillion Trees for climate justice by Plant for the Planet

      December 2020

      Webapp launch brings added transparency to reforestation projects.
      Jump in
      Trees Vector Graphic

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